02/2025– We are happy to host Bartłomiej Nowacki and Dr Albert Smalcerz from the Silesian Universtity of Technology, Poland
30/09/2024– Our work on the importance of controlled lights for the synthesis of surfactant-free gold nanoparticle is now published in ChemSusChem.
29/09/2024– New insights into the electrochemistry of Ir nanoparticles for the OER published in a collaboration with the groups of R. Pittowski, M. Arenz and K. M. Ø. Jensen in JACS.
22/08/2024– Our work towards the automation of the synthesis of nanoparticles is now published.
27/02/2023– Our work on gold nanoparticle synthesis is now published in Chem. Mater.
13/01/2023- Our work on iridium nanoparticle formation is now published in JACS.
01/05/2023– Starting a new adventure at Biochemical and Chemical Engineering,
Aarhus, Denmark.
Publications (selection)
September 2024– Our recent progress to control the room temperature synthesis of gold nanoparticles without surfactant and the importance of controlled lights to do so is now published in ChemSusChem. A fruitful collaboration with the group of Nina Lock at Aarhus University.
September 2024– New insights into the electrochemistry of Ir nanoparticles for the OER published in a collaboration with the groups of R. Pittowski (Uni, Copenhagen, DK), M. Arenz (Uni. Bern, CH) and K. M. Ø. Jensen (Uni. Copenhagen, DK) in JACS.
August 2024– Our recent progress in the automation of colloidal syntheses of nanoparticles is out in Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering aspects. A fruitful collaboration with the team of Martin Lahn Heriksen at Aarhus University.
May 2024– Our recent investigation of the importance of chemical grades on the synthesis of surfactant-free gold nanoparticles is out.
August 2023– Everything you need to know for an easy start to easily teach various concepts in Nanotechnology and Green Chemistry published in the Journal of Chemical Education.
April 2023– The first work from the group is out in Chemistry. It tell you all about ethylene glycol to synthesize gold nanoparticles without surfactants. Well done to Ditte and Malthe for their nice work during a Project-II BSc project.
March 2023– Our work on the influence of stock solutions to best control gold nanoparticles synthesis is out in Inorganics.
March 2023– Our work review on surfactant-free colloidal nanoparticles is out in ACS Catal.
February 2023– Our work from in collaboration with Uni. Copenhagen, DK, and in particular the group of Kirsten M. Ø. Jensen is now available in Chem. Mater. This work was also made in collaboration with the groups of Profs Søren B. Simonsen (DK), Matthew S. Johnson (DK), and support from MaxIV synchrotron (SE).
January 2023– The PhD work from Jette K. Mathiesen supervised by Kirsten M. Ø. Jensen, Uni. Copenhagen, DK, is now available in JACS. This work was also made in collaboration with the groups of Profs Matthias Arenz (CH), Methap Oezaslan (DE), Jan Rossmeisl (DK) and support from Argonne National Lab (USA).
September 2022– The PhD work from Vladislav Mints supervised by Prof Matthias Arenz, Uni. Bern, Switzerland, CH, is now available in ACS Catalysis. This work was also made in collaboration with the work of Profs Jan Rossmeisl (DK) and Kirsten M. Ø. Jensen (DK).
August 2022– A short review on Osmium nanoparticles is now available on Open Research Europe.
Team members (selection)
February 2025- Congrats to Armin who secured a MarieSkłodowska-Curie Fellowship.
February 2025- Julie, Frederik and Mathilde will start their Bachelor and Master thesis projects. Nanoparticles in the making.
September 2024- 6 Bachelor students joined the group for 7 weeks for their CHEMTECH-II projects. Working on gold nanoparticles. Welcome to Astrid, Leander, Julie, Frederik, Peter and Albert.
May 2024- Welcome to Aleksandra, new PhD in the group.
June 2024- Welcome to Armin, new Postdoc in the group.
February 2024- Julie, Lukas and Kristian started their Bachelor thesis projects. Nanoparticles in the making.
September 2023- 6 Bachelor students joined the group for 7 weeks for their CHEMTECH-II projects. Working on gold-silver nanoparticles. Welcome to Anne, Julie, Emma, Sebastian, Tobias and Lukas.
February 2023- Ditte Røjkjær Rasmussen will join the group for her BSc project at AU.
September 2022- 5 Bachelor students joined the group for 7 weeks for their CHEMTECH-II projects. Working on gold nanoparticles.
Welcome to Christoffer, Jens Jacob, Simon, Ditte and Malthe.
Conferences - Where to meet us (selection)
23-26/03/2025– Attenting the ISE 39th Topical Meeting, Natal, Brazil
30-31/05/2024– Attenting the DanScatt Annual meeting, Aarhus, Denmark
29-30/05/2024– Attending the Power-2-X symposium, Aarhus, Denmark
24/04/2024– Sharing thoughts, experience and excitement about nanomaterials and nanotechnology at Aarhus University Research Festival. Come and visit our stand from 2-6 pm and our talk at 5.40 pm.
25/01/2024– Visiting INL in Braga, Portugal
16-18/01/2024– Visiting CICA at Uni. A Coruna, Spain
02-03/11/2023– Meet us at the Danish Electrochemical Society (DEF) annual meeting, DTU, Denmark
12-13/06/2023– Attending the Power-2-X symposium, Aarhus, Denmark
26/04/2023– Sharing thoughts, experience and excitement about nanomaterials and nanotechnology at Aarhus University Research Festival. Come and visit our stand from 2-6 pm and our talk at 3.35 pm.
23/02/2023– Sharing thoughts and experience at KU (Univeristy of Copenhagen, Denmark) Postdoc Day
19/12/2022– Seminar at CINBIO at Uni. Vigo, Spain.
21-23/09/2022– Faraday Discussion, Nanoalloys: recent developments and future perspectives, on line attendance
22/06/2022– Seminar at SDU, Sønderborg, Denmark
01-03/06/2022– Attending the Power-2-X symposium, Aarhus, Denmark
01/2024– The section of Process and Materials Engineering received th suppport from the Siemens Fonden with 30.000 DKK to acquire equipment for electrochemistry. Thank you.
12/2023– The group received a DFF-Green grant of 3.167.482 DKK to work on the development of new nanomaterials. Thank you.
12/2022– The AUFF-NOVA is supporting us with 300.000 DKK. Thank you.